Sunday, July 28, 2013

Workin' with Words

It feels like it has been FOREVVVERRR since I last blogged! Back to school is finally hitting me and I am trying to keep up with my projects I started over summer AND the craziness of meetings & preparing my classroom. I have been working in my classroom for a week now and I feel like it is finally coming along. This week I am focusing on my Daily 5/CAFE board.

I have been debating about what to do for word work... How many options should I give them? Do I want to spend my own money on materials for word work, etc.? I have finally came up with a list of 11 different options for them to use.  I think I will be introducing them one by one so I ensure that they are doing each activity correctly. I definitely will not be introducing word work until we have built out stamina for read to self. So... I have a while to change my mind but I wanted to have SOMETHING ready. Let's face it... the time for word work will be here before I know it!

I am anticipating the end of this week! I will finally be able to spend the majority of my day in my classroom and not in meetings- yay! I can't wait to post pictures of the new classroom! 

Are you using daily 5 in your classroom? What options are you giving your students for word work?

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