Saturday, July 13, 2013

First TPT Resource finally uploaded!

I am embarrassed to honestly be blogging at 4am on a Saturday, but just could not sleep! Friday morning I started pinning like crazy for my first 4 weeks of math lessons and I came across a Doubles Rap. I LOVED it and got so excited. Could I somehow turn this into my first TPT freebie?! For those of you that know me well, singing and dancing makes me VERY uncomfortable. Many of you are probably thinking... how are you a elementary teacher.. right? I know! It's crazy! With my fourth graders I tried so hard to get better at "busting out"... After all, they thought I was so LAME and I knew they would be my toughest critics. If I could dance and sing in front of fourth graders, I thought I would be golden. Last year my way of "getting out" of being a cool teacher with sweet moves was literally finding every You Tube video I could with sweet moves and a nice beat reinforcing whatever we were learning. Well... what do you know... upon pinning some pretty sweet anchor charts  with the doubles rap I came across a You Tube video of these awesome teachers singing the doubles rap!

PERFECT. I scored again, and got out of one more dance! But, of course... since I wanted to get my TPT store up and running I had to take it to the next level and make a cute banner with the doubles rap. Good-bye cute anchor charts (well for this activity anyway!).

So back to the 4am thing. I literally woke up this morning at 3 because I could not stop dreaming having night mares about opening my teachers pay teachers store... So here we are. 4:32 AM and I have officially launched my store. Since it would be unacceptable to have a champagne toast (and considering I am the only one up) I will toast to myself with a nice cup of Joe! Enjoy the freebie! (Click the image to download)

I will be teaching doubles (and doubles plus 1) on the 3rd day of school. I will most likely introduce with this cute video, and then we will refer to our cute banner to memorize for ourselves. I will be printing this in color, backing in black card stock and then gluing on to one piece of ribbon so it will hang vertically. I will post pictures when I have it up! :)

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